"Bakul sampah yang kotor telah diletakkan di atas kepala saya, dan saya dipaksa untuk menyanyikan lagu Negaraku berkali-kali, lagu Umno berkali-kali dan disuruh menyebut Rukun Negara berulang kali.
Semasa saya dipaksa berbuat demikian bakul sampah di atas kepala saya diketuk berkali-kali". Kawan saya, Amin menerima email yang mendedahkan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) mendera, memaksa dan mengugut Halimi Bin Kamaruzzaman supaya mengakui Datuk Norza Zakaria terbabit dengan politik wang. Lihat postingnya yang bertajuk "SPRM untuk jatuhkan sesetengah pihak dalam Umno?"
Antara penyiksaan pegawai-pegawai SPRM ke atas Halimi ialah:
1. Dipukul di bahagian kepala, perut dan bahu bertubi-tubi oleh tiga pegawai SPRM
2. Ditendang di bahagian rusuk dengan lutut
3. Dipaksa telanjang dan berguling-guling di atas lantai dalam keadaan bogel
4. Dicekik sehingga tidak bernafas
5. Ditolak ke dinding
6. Ditendang ketika dipaksa berguling-guling atas lantai
7. Diketuk kepala dengan bakul sampah berkali-kali
8. Diugut akan diletakkan puntung rokok pada kemaluan
30hb Januari 2009
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has lodged a report to counter allegations that an Umno division leader was assaulted by MACC officers during detention. Earlier, the 46-year-old division leader from Maran, Pahang, reported that he was punched in the head, shoulder and stomach during his four-day remand in Kuantan.
He also claimed that he was forced to strip naked, lie and roll on the floor besides being asked to do squats and sing the national anthem repeatedly. In his report, he also claimed an officer pressed him against the wall and threatened to arrest his wife and ask her to strip if he refused to confess that he had handed money to Umno members.
He lodged his report at the Damansara police station yesterday. MACC deputy commissioner Abu Kassim Mohammad said the MACC had lodged a report against the Umno leader for allegedly lodging a false report. “Before being released, he told us that he will lodge a report and smear MACC’s image, so we waited for him to lodge a report before we ourselves did.
“We want the police to thoroughly investigate the man’s allegations against our officer and if there is any evidence that the MACC officers had abused or assaulted him, then the police must take action. “However if there is no such thing, the police must take action against him for lodging a false report,” he said, adding that investigation into money politics would continue without fear or favour.